6 september 2012

Update 1st week back

The update from this week is a little different then last week.
Monday; meeting with Schellens and with Linn, thorax drainage 1 (1.2 L)
Tuesday; blood tests, cytostatics injection, Ct Thorax / Abdomen & Bone scan
Wednesday; thorax drainage 2 (0.8 L)
Thursday; pain doctor

But even in such a stupid week of hospital visits life is sweet
Saw our new family member
Ruud made some awesome food
Hubby is sweet
On the beach
Kids at the dentist having a fluor treatment
Esther with the boys and her Fiat 500 to soccer

1 opmerking:

  1. lekker dan, wat een gedoe. hopelijk helpt het iig tegen de pijn. succes
