No 3rd week update Italie. It was more of the same. Just wonderful!
One day you are sitting on a terrace overlooking an ancient Italian village
being kissed by your daughter
And the next day your thorax is being drained.
Before our vacation I already had trouble breathing.
During the vacation it was not getting any better. Today first thing to the hospital.
On the picture you can see one lung working normally (the dark side) and on the right a lung filled with fluids (the white side). They drained 1.2 L from my lung.
It was not a nice threatment but a necessary one
I also heard today what kind of therapy I have to start soon. It's going to be Vinorelbine. It's a chemo but not so harsh as Taxol. No baldness and servere sickness. The only thing is that I have to have the cure every week.
I will start next monday.
En kan je nu wel beter ademen? Ik hoop het!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderen1,2 liter klinkt als Heel Veel! geen wonder dat je moeite met ademhalen had! Hoop iig dat jhet beter gaat en dat je zo min mogelijk last van de chemo hebt.