29 september 2012

It's not the Hamptons here

I got home last sunday from the hospital
But I was so tired all week
It got worse and worse
yesterday and today I couldn't do anything anymore, I was so weak.
Doreen took control and brought me to the hospital this afternoon
My new weekend retraite
They hooked me on to an infuse of sugar and salt
It's getting better already
So I have hope I don't have to stay here all weekend
In the meanwhile
I'm hooked to a new serie "Revenge"
The decor of the serie is the Hamptons...

24 september 2012

home again, home again ♫♫

  ♫ Many times
I've been told
All this talk
Will make you old
So, I'll close my eyes
Won't look behind
Movin' on
Movin' on
So I'll close my eyes
Won't look behind
Movin' on

Michael Kiwanuka
Home Again ♫

21 september 2012

Room with a view

I'm in the hospital. I don't know for how long. Hopefully sunday? 
All fluids have to be drained out of my lungs, then I will get a Thorax Pleurose. 
Meaning: they will inject a medicine what will glue my lung membranes to each other,
so no fluids can enter my lungs anymore...
It's not much fun here in the hospital but I have to catch up a lot of sleep so that will work out!

18 september 2012

Home made by Kikki

Kikki herself made these cupcakes and with a little help from me, cookies on a stick. 
Tomorrow is her birthday and these cupcakes and cookies are her treats for school.

I will celebrate Kikki's birthday in the hospital
My lungs are filling up again with fluids and the doctors want a solution for it
 Tomorrow afternoon I will probably get a permanent drain.  
I'll keep u posted

14 september 2012

It takes three, baby ♫

3rd thorax drainage in 2 weeks. This time 1.5 L
There has to come a solution
This is not a nice treatment, it hurts
But it has to be done. Now I will have some "air" this weekend

13 september 2012

It takes three, baby ♫

Dinner for three
I think you will see a lot of dog pictures in the near future to illustrate my days

It's a lot of fun to have a third!

Sofar the Vinorelbine is not that harsh for my body.
Maybe a little nauseated in the beginning and tired
but the most painfull and tiresome are my lungs
Tomorrow back to the hospital. 
Another scan and probably another thorax drainage
Anything to feel better :-)

8 september 2012

New family member

Kikki and Nilli 
(Nilli short for Vanilla sunshine, the breeders name)

They are made for each other.
Kik is a very happy little girl!!!

6 september 2012

Update 1st week back

The update from this week is a little different then last week.
Monday; meeting with Schellens and with Linn, thorax drainage 1 (1.2 L)
Tuesday; blood tests, cytostatics injection, Ct Thorax / Abdomen & Bone scan
Wednesday; thorax drainage 2 (0.8 L)
Thursday; pain doctor

But even in such a stupid week of hospital visits life is sweet
Saw our new family member
Ruud made some awesome food
Hubby is sweet
On the beach
Kids at the dentist having a fluor treatment
Esther with the boys and her Fiat 500 to soccer

A Paris light

by Shara, Rene & Mia

3 september 2012

Italie vs Thorax drain

No 3rd week update Italie. It was more of the same. Just wonderful!

One day you are sitting on a terrace overlooking an ancient Italian village 
being kissed by your daughter

And the next day your thorax is being drained.

Before our vacation I already had trouble breathing. 
During the vacation it was not getting any better. Today first thing to the hospital. 
On the picture you can see one lung working normally (the dark side) and on the right a lung filled with fluids (the white side). They drained 1.2 L from my lung.

It was not a nice threatment but a necessary one

I also heard today what kind of therapy I have to start soon. It's going to be Vinorelbine. It's a chemo but not so harsh as Taxol. No baldness and servere sickness. The only thing is that I have to have the cure every week. 
I will start next monday.