31 januari 2012

Again no chemo....

Even no picture today!
My neuro's went down again. 
Today 1.2!
Thursday we will try again.

30 januari 2012

Neuro's higher and higher.....

Let me tell you your love
keeps on liftin' me
higher,higher and higher.
I said your love keep on
liftin' me higher and higher.

Neuro's 1.6! So 99% chance I will get hooked up to chemo tomorrow!

27 januari 2012

At the end of a rainbow...

No chemo today..... my neuro's are still to low. Now 1.1.
Again disappointing. But Ruud and I made from a stupid day a nice day.
We went to the beach with the dogs. We took a ferry across the Noordzeekanaal. Fun!

Nest monday I will get my blood checked. If it's okay I will get my chemo next tuesday... We will see!

25 januari 2012

Now on tv...

In the daytime I will meet you as before.
                                                   You will find me waiting by the ocean floor,
building castles in the shifting sands
in a world that nobody understands,
In a morning.
it's the morning of my life
'Tis the morning of my life

23 januari 2012

No chemo today

Big disappointment! No chemo today!
My neuro's failed me.... 
A week ago on monday they where 0.1, Last friday 1.2 and today 0.8!
They have to be 1.5 at least!
Next friday we will try again.

Burn baby burn...

My big sis burns a candle in the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris for me.


Mia as clini clown!

19 januari 2012


Mees is having a blast with his team (not the orange hats). 
They went to AJAX-AZ! They really had a great time! Only AJAX forgot to win...

18 januari 2012


Never knew..... There exists an eyelash grow serum!!! 
All I want to say is.... 

17 januari 2012


Sunny 4 °C. 
Walked the dogs in the parc. It seems all that I do. 
With the dogs to the beach or parc.  
Next to doing stuff with Mees and Kikki.....

Keeping low profile. 
Hospital said I had to look out that I don't get sick with such a low Neuro

So it's up to my creative friends to keep my blog interesting.
Where is all the fun stuff? Nice pics, movies, drawings etc.......

16 januari 2012

Check up.........

A friend of ours filmed us in the parc. To be premiered soon on my blog!

I went to the hospital today for my blood test. Neuro's extremely low... 0.1
Friday another check-up, blood test, and hopefully my last chemo next monday!

I have to make an appointment for my next scan. 
Somewhere in the week of 6th februari. Keep you posted.

9 januari 2012

'Once Upon a Time'

Addicted to series. 
And you would think in my situation I would choose other series but I like these two. 
One about a cancerman breaking bad and the other one of the blood specialst/serial killer, Dexter.
It's a way to spend my couch time..... (and that is a lot, unfortunately)

Speaking about blood..... my neuro's are 1.2 today.

7 januari 2012

A cat always lands on his feet

Went to the film with the kids after a long week of sitting inside. 
Like every first week also this week was heavy. 
Had pain while breathing, the internist wanted me to come to the hospital. It wasn't alarming. 

2 januari 2012

Not quite Disneyland

Christmas holidays. 
What better way to spend it than visiting your mom in the hospital during her 5th chemo.
But it was a little festive..... 
I got my scan results from last week and Olaparib is still doing its work. 
All tumors are normalised except for one. 
After the next two chemo's we will decide if we stop after 6 treatments or that I will get another 2. 
It depends, if the treatments are still effective.... For now they are!!!

1 januari 2012

New Year's Eve

Yesterday we celebrated New Year's Eve with friends on the Noordermarkt. 
Today is a new day, a new year.... new chances
Today I feel the fear for my results I will get tomorrow... 
And another chemo which I don't feel like having.

Happy moments

Kids had a 4 day course speed skating on the Jaap Eden Baan. 
They had a lot of fun and so did I.

Extra check-up

Last friday I got an extra bloodtest. Mees and Kikki went along. 
Neuro's where 0.8. Good enough to go for my 5th chemo next monday.......